The Medicine of Uncertainty
As humans, we naturally fear uncertainty. We would rather settle for something that is known, than step into the vast potential of the unknown.
I’ve been feeling some uncertainty in my life lately, so I decided to look at this time as an opportunity to dig in and feel the medicine in this moment.
What is the medicine of uncertainty?
To be real, people often pay a lot of money to experience uncertainty! Think of every sport people get excited to watch; they are watching a game of uncertainties playing out. That’s what makes it exciting! You don’t know who will win the game, you don’t know what exciting twists and turns will happen. Your team may seem like they have no hope for winning and then they come back and win!
This is the medicine of uncertainty.
So instead of wishing you were at that place where you know what’s going to happen, I would like to invite you, for a moment, to relish the joy of not knowing — the excitement of that “anything can happen” feeling. Ah! Just to ponder the adrenaline rush of it all!
My point is that these sporadic moments of uncertainty in our lives can create magic. They bring about the most riveting stories, inspirations, breakthroughs, and art masterpieces. So, whatever uncertainty is holding you captive, please remember to seek out its medicine.
If you need help, I’m here. Schedule a session with me and I will help guide you to discovering the medicine of uncertainty for yourself.