Chela Gurnee is a Hypnotherapist trained through the Hypnotherapy Academy of America.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist him/her in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. 

Hypnosis takes you to the Subconscious state of mind, to the feeling state, to the “field of intelligence,” where you are able to believe in possibilities that you had previously thought were unachievable. 

The Superconscious

Beyond the Subconscious state is a state of mind even more profound called the Superconscious. Once you arrive at a place where you are even deeper relaxed through Hypnosis, you arrive at the Superconscious state. The Superconscious state is Soul, your “higher self.”

It’s where you access Problem Solving Intelligence, Love, Universal Mind, Unity Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence. Chela can help you heal what’s in the way between you and your Superconscious Wisdom.

“It is my belief that if each person had regular moments in the Superconscious State, we would have access to Peace, Unity and Community.”



See what might be possible for you when limiting beliefs are replaced with positive, healing beliefs.

  • Increasing Intuition

    Increasing Self Love/Self Acceptance

    Achieving Goals

    Finding Purpose

    Connecting with Spirit

    Finding your Inner Voice


    Test Taking

    Healing a Painful Past

    Smoking Cessation

    A More Peaceful Mind

    Support with Weight Loss

  • Goals Achieved

    Enhanced Intuition

    Self Love

    Access to Inner Wisdom


    Connection to Spirit, Universe, God, Higher Self